linfarction was numerically greater with dabigatranetexilate than with warfarin, but this imbalancedid not reach statistical significance. Neither doseof dabigatran etexilate appeared to lead to livertoxicity.62Dabigatran etexilate possesses other benefitscompared with warfarin therapy. It has a rapidonset and offset of action, and a predictable andconsistent pharmacodynamic Fingolimod profile.65,66 The eliminationhalf-life of dabigatran etexilate is 12–17 h,which permits for twice-daily dosing.62 On account of amore consistent and predictable anti-coagulanteffect there's no requirement for routine anticoagulationmonitoring.66 Finally, dabigatran etexilatehas a low potential for drug–drug interactions;has no food–drug interactions; and does not interactwith the cytochrome 450enzymesystem.
67,68 Depending on these improvements includingsuperior efficacy in the 150mg dose relative to warfarin,the predictability and consistency of its pharmacokineticand anticoagulant activity, Fingolimod dabigatranetexilate has the potential to replace a lot in the useof warfarin and other oral VKAs for stroke preventionin individuals with AF. Moreover, the availabilityof two dosesallows alower dose to be employed in vulnerable patientgroups. For example, in the USA, 75mg bid canbe employed in individuals having a creatinine clearance of15–30 ml/min, whilst in Canada, 110 mg bid might besuitable for use in individuals 580 years and/or at riskof bleeding.59,60AZD0837AZD0837 is another pro-drug, that is converted toa selective and reversible DTI. The safety of anextended-release Cell Cycle inhibitor formulation has been assessed ina phase II, randomized, controlled trial.
69 Nine hundredand fifty-five individuals with AF were randomizedto get AZD0837 150mg once every day,300mg qd, 450 mg qd or 200mg bid, or warfarin, NSCLC for 3–9 months. AZD0837 300mg qdprovided comparable thrombogenic suppression to warfarinwith lower bleeding ratesin theApixaban for the Prevention of Stroke in SubjectsWith Atrial Fibrillationtrial, an international,double-blind, randomized, non-inferioritytrial of 18 206 AF individuals with at the very least one additionalrisk aspect for stroke.71 In this trial, 5.0 mg isthe regular apixaban dose, even so, 2.5 mg willbe employed in individuals estimated to have greater apixabanexposure. A comparable randomized, double-blind,superiority trial comparing 5mg apixaban bid withaspirinfor prevention of stroke orsystemic embolism in 55600 individuals with AF andat least one risk aspect for stroke has recently beencompleted.
72,73 Thisstudy was terminated prematurely following the first interimefficacy analysis as well as the results showedan incidence of stroke of 1.6% per year with apixaban,vs. 3.7% per year with aspirin; both treatmentswere related to comparable rates of majorbleeding.73RivaroxabanRivaroxaban, Cell Cycle inhibitor another aspect Xa inhibitor, is beingtested in many indications and is presently licensedfor thromboprophylaxis following elective total hipand knee replacement.74 A Phase III, randomized,double-blind, non-inferiority studyinvestigating the efficacy of 20mg qd rivaroxabanversus warfarin to prevent stroke in nonvalvularAF individuals with prior stroke/TIA or atleast two further stroke risk factors75, has recentlycompleted.
In this Fingolimod trial, which integrated over14 000 individuals, rivaroxaban was non-inferiorto dose-adjusted warfarin for the primaryendpoint; a composite of stroke and non-central nervoussystem embolism. For this endpoint, rivaroxabanprovided a relative risk reduction of 21% overwarfarinin the on-treatment analysis;even so, in the intention-to-treat analysis, rivaroxabanfailed to demonstrate superiority.Both rivaroxaban and warfarin were associatedwith comparable rates of key and non-major bleeding. The incidence of ICH was significantlylower in subjects taking rivaroxaban than in individualsreceiving warfarin.76,77EdoxabanA multicentre, Phase II study was conducted to investigatethe safety in the aspect Xa inhibitor edoxabanin AF individuals having a CHADS2score 52. In total, 1146 individuals were randomizedto blinded edoxabanor open-label warfarinfor 3 months.
Final results indicate that 30 and60mg qd edoxaban had a comparable safety profileto warfarin, whereas the 30 and 60mg bid groupsexperienced a lot more bleeding events than thosereceiving warfarin.78 A phase III, Cell Cycle inhibitor randomized,double-blind trialis now presently assessingthe safety and efficacy of 30 and 60mg qd edoxabancompared with warfarin in individuals with AF anda moderate risk of stroke.79BetrixabanAnother aspect Xa inhibitor, betrixaban, was selectedfrom a promising range of investigational compoundsin early development.80 The anticoagulanteffects of betrixaban in humans was initially investigatedin the US and Canadian trial, in which itwas compared with enoxaparin for prevention ofthromboembolism following knee replacement surgery.81 In this study, 215 individuals wererandomized to treatment with betrixaban 15mg or40mg bid, or enoxaparin 30 mg subcutaneouslyevery 12 h for 10–14 days. Betrixaban inhibitedthrombin generation and anti-Xa levels inside a doseandconcentration-dependent manner and wasw
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