Notably, three CMLlines with hyperdiploidyand hypertriploidystill showed sensitive response.Additionally to inhibiting Aurora B and C, GSK1070916also has activity for ABLwhich potentially Ivacaftor contributes towards the sensitivity observedin these cell lines.Comparison of the two response phenotypes formodal chromosome number, using a chromosomecount ofas the cutoff, showed a difference in theresponse amongst the two cell line populations. Usingthe invitro data as a model for evaluating diploid chromosomenumber as possible marker for patient selectionprovided reasonably high sensitivity in predictingresponse ratesbut a reduce specificity inpredicting those patients that would not respond totreatment. Not surprisingly, the negativepredictive value for low chromosome number washighercompared towards the positivepredictive value.
Polyploidy in Tumor SubpopulationsIn addition towards the data for the primary chromosomenumber, as utilized in Figure 2, karyotype data can bereviewed for percentage of polyploidy in cell subpopulations.For example, the karyotype data for the TANOUEcell line has a chromosome modal quantity of 48 for theprimary population of cells, but also 12% of the cellpopulation was polyploid. Ivacaftor To evaluate the effect these subpopulationsmay have on response, we reviewed theploidy of cell subpopulations for cell lines with lowdiploid chromosome numberin the primary population.
Interestingly, with the limited subset ofkaryotype data available, we identified that the average percentageof polyploid subpopulations was substantiallyhigher for the resistant cell lines in comparison with sensitivecell lines within the panelGSK1070916 Treatment Generates Polyploid PhenotypeTreatment of cancer cells with GSK1070916 yieldedphenotypes Bicalutamide with polyploid DNA content resulting fromchromosome replication with no nuclear or cell division.A sensitive and diploid TALL cell line MOLT16, and apolyploid and resistant TALL cell line CTV1 weretreated with increasing concentrations of GSK1070916for diverse time periods, along with a flow cytometry studywas performed. For the sensitive cell line MOLT16, apopulation of polyploid cells emerged within 24 hrs andmaintained their growth with increasing drug concentration.However, over longer period of drug therapy, the percentage of polyploid cells had been significantlyreduced, and there was a simultaneousincrease of subG1 population representing dead cells,suggesting that the polyploid cells developed earlierwere not becoming tolerated and subsequently died.
This isin contrast to CTV1, which exhibited a lot higherlevels of polyploidy cells and low cell death throughoutthe study.Genetics NSCLC AnalysisThe background genetics of the hematological cell linepanel was reviewed in relation to Aurora inhibition byGSK1070916. Expression profiles of Aurora A, B, and Cwere evaluated in terms of response to Aurora inhibitionand no association was observed.In our response dataset, we observed 6 of the 7 TALLcell lines with high chromosome number also hadmutations in NOTCH1. To investigate this further, wecollected further mutation data from public databasesfor TALL cell lines. Forthis dataset, a notable association Bicalutamide with NOTCH1 andhigh modal chromosome number was identified.
Prevalence of High Chromosome Modality in PatientPopulationTo estimate the expected frequency of high chromosomemodality inside a prospective patient population, wereviewed the Mitelman Database of Chromosome Aberrationsin Cancer. Probably the most prevalentcases of high chromosome Ivacaftor modality had been identified inHodgkin’s Lymphoma, Myeloma, and Bcell Acute LymphocyticLeukemia. Conversely, AML and Tcell AcuteLymphoblastic Leukemia subtypes had a reduce prevalenceof high chromosome modality.For the GSK1070916 inhibitor, 1 prospective targetpatient population is NonHodgkin’s Bcell Lymphoma.To ascertain the relative frequency of high chromosomemodality in this patient population, frequency data foreach subtype of Bcell lymphoma was collected andreviewed.
The distribution of high Bicalutamide chromosome modalitywas varied with Diffuse Huge BCell, Follicular, andMantle lymphoma subtypes having higher frequenciescompared to Burkitt and MALT NHL subtypes.DiscussionKaryotyping is often a regular clinical practice for hematologicalmalignancies, and also the cytogenetics of the diseasenot only assists with diagnosis, but often provides prognosticvalues. With karyotype data from thesecell lines, we discovered that high chromosome numberin cell lines had been associated with resistance toGSK1070916. As with other Aurora B inhibitors, treatmentwith GSK1070916 commonly elicited a polyploidyphenotype in cell lines. This suggests cancer cells with apolyploid phenotype may possibly have developed mechanismsto bypass checkpoints for polyploidy and hence are resistantto Aurora inhibition. Our comprehensive assessment ofpublicly available karyotype data revealed subtypes ofhematological malignancies with high frequencies ofpolyploidy. Conveniently, it really is regular clinical practiceto carry out karyotyping on hematological cancer cellsand chromosome number can s
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