es had been generated as Ferrostatin-1 described previously. 28 In brief, thyroid lobes from groups of six 8 to 10 week old naïve IFN __/_ NOD. H 2h4 mice or from dnT_RII Tg_ littermates had been aseptically dissected, disrupted, and digested for 1 hour at 37 C in digestion medium consisting of 112 units/mL of variety I collagenase and 1. 2 units/mL of dispase II dissolved in Eagles minimal important medium. Immediately after centrifugation, pellets had been resuspended in 15 mL of TEC culture medium, seeded in eight well chamber slides , and cultured at 37 C. When cultures reached 70% to 80% confluence, commonly after 2 to 3 weeks, cultured TECs had been treated for 3 days with unique concentrations of IFN _ , acidactivated TGF _ , or medium alone. IFN _ and TGF _ concentrations and the duration of cytokine therapy had been depending on our previous studies28 and those of other people.
11 Determination of Proliferation Ferrostatin-1 of Cultured TECs Proliferation of cultured TECs was determined by proliferation marker PCNA staining by IHC as described previously. RGFP966 21 NovaRED was applied for color development, and slides had been counterstained with hematoxylin. To quantify the number of proliferating TECs, all cells in five to six randomly selected high power fields had been manually counted using MetaMorph version 6. 3r6 image analysis software as described previously. 29 PCNA_ cells had been expressed as a percentage of total cells. In some experiments, proliferation was determined using a Fast Cell proliferation Protein biosynthesis assay kit in line with the makers directions. 30 TUNEL Staining Apoptosis of cultured TECs was determined by TUNEL assay using an ApopTag kit as described previously.
28 TECs treated with resveratrol had been applied as a good manage for apoptosis. RT PCR Cultured TECs had been harvested, washed with PBS, centrifuged, and homogenized in TRIzol reagent . RNA was extracted and 1 _g RNA was reverse transcribed as described previously. 25,27 _ RGFP966 Actin was applied as a housekeeping gene to verify that exactly the same quantity of RNA was amplified. Primer sequences had been as follows: PCNA sense, 5_ GGTTGGTAGTTGTCGGTGTA 3_ and antisense, 5_ CAGGCTCATTCATCTCTATCG 3_; p21 sense, 5_ AGCCTGAAGACTGTGATGGG Ferrostatin-1 3_ and antisense, 5_ AAAGTTCCACCGTTCTCGG 3_; p27 sense, 5_ AAGCACTGCCGGGATATGGA 3_ and antisense, 5_ AACCCAGCCTGATTGTCTGAC 3_; p18 sense, 5_ AGATTAACCATCCCAGTCCT 3_ and antisense, 5_ CTGAATGGGTGGATTAGGTA 3_; p53 sense, 5_ ACTGCATGGACGATCTGTTG 3_ and antisense, 5_ GCCATAGTTGCCCTGCTAAG 3_; and cyclin D sense, 5_ TCTACACTGACAACTCTATCCG 3_ and antisense, 5_ TAGCAGGAGAGGAAGTTGTTGG 3_.
Therapy of Cultured TECs with AKT Inhibitor Cultured TECs, 70% to 80% confluent, had been treated with an AKT inhibitor for 3 days with TGF _ or medium alone. Cells had been analyzed by IHC for PCNA and by RT PCR for mRNA expression. Induction of TEC H/P in Vivo Splenocytes from IFN __/_ mice with severe TEC H/P and fibrosis RGFP966 had been pooled and cultured for 72 hours in full RPMI 1640 medium as described previously. 31 Splenocytes had been transferred intravenously into NOD. H 2h4 IFN __/_ SCID mice. Mice had been given 0. 05% NaI water, and thyroid histology was assessed 28 days and either 35 or 60 days later.
Evaluation of TEC H/P Severity Thyroids had been removed, and one thyroid lobe was fixed in formalin, sectioned, and stained with H&E as described previously. 31,32 All slides had been scored by two individuals , one of whom had no knowledge of the experimental groups Ferrostatin-1 . Thyroid histopathology was scored for the extent of thyroid follicular cell hyperplasia/proliferation, using a scale of 0 to 5_, as described previously. 31,32 Briefly, a score of 0 indicates a normal thyroid, and 0_ indicates mild follicular changes and/or a few inflammatory cells infiltrating the thyroids. A 1_ score indicates hyperplastic changes sufficient to cause replacement of several follicles. A 2_ score indicates hyperplastic changes causing replacement or destruction of up to 1/4 of the gland, 3_ indicates that 1/4 to 1/2 of the gland is destroyed by hyperplastic changes, and 4_ indicates that greater than 1/2 of the gland is destroyed.
Thyroids given a score of 5_ had few or no remaining normal follicles and extensive collagen deposition . The severe lesions in IFN __/_ mice had widespread clusters of proliferating TECs and histiocytes with some lymphocyte infiltration. The areas of proliferating TECs had been commonly surrounded by collagen. All thyroids with mild or severe hyperplasia had infiltrating RGFP966 lymphocytes, but lymphocyte infiltration was much less than in thyroids of wild variety mice with spontaneous autoimmune thyroiditis. All experiments had been repeated two or three times. Statistical analysis of data had been performed using an unpaired two tailed Students t test or the Mann Whitney rank sum test. A P value of _0. 05 was considered significant. Results Generation of dnT_RII Transgenic Mice and Expression of dnT_RII and FLAG on TECs Our previous studies indicated that overexpression of TGF _ on TECs promotes development of TEC H/P in vivo. 21 To directly test the h
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