ther Pleiotrophin. or Pleiotrophin. for min or stimulatedwith the agonistmAb or serum. Incubationwith Afatinib Pleiotrophin. or Pleiotrophin. did not induce any detectable ERK activation in comparison to mAb or serum remedies . Additionally in immunoprecipitation experiments no tyrosine phosphorylation in the receptor was detected soon after Pleiotrophin therapy . Time course experiments from to utilizing either or ng ml of Pleiotrophin. or Pleiotrophin. had been also performed. In all these experiments both Pleiotrophins failed to activate the ERK kinase pathway . Lastly both Pleiotrophin. and Pleiotrophin. failed to activate the PI Kinase AKT pathway in comparison to mAb and FCS . Pleiotrophin. and Pleiotrophin.
failed to stimulate ERK activation and to activate ALK in ALK expressing Glioblastoma cells In this analysis we utilized two Glioblastoma Afatinib cell lines previously reported optimistic for ALK and 1 cell line reported unfavorable for ALK but optimistic for the receptor tyrosine phosphatase RPTP . In this latter cell line, in contrast to FCS, therapy with our agonist mAbs induced no activation in the ERK pathway . In good agreement with published data , the ERK pathway in the ALK optimistic UMG cells is activated constitutively, and no improve in phosphorylation was observed soon after therapy with mAb whatever the concentration utilized . In the UMG therapy with mAb induced an extremely weak ERK activation in comparison to that induced with serum . No detectable agonist activity of Pleiotrophins was detected. This weak ERK activation induced by the agonist mAb could result from a weak expression of ALK in this cell line in comparison to the Neuroblastoma SH SYY cell line.
This result therefore led us to investigate the level of expression of ALK in the various cell lines . In agreement using the data reported by Lu et al. the LN cells did not Lenalidomide express detectable level of ALK. The UMG cells also as the GM cells indeed expressed ALK but at quite low level in comparison to the SH SYY cells. Note that the amounts of ALK found in the UMG cell lines either got from the P. Mischell laboratory or from the ATCC had been quite similar. Therefore this cell line indeed expresses quite low level of ALK. Both the kDa and kDa forms of ALK had been present in all of the optimistic cell lines. Therefore, the quite weak ERK activity PARP induced by the mAb therapy in the UMG cells likely resulted from the low level of expression of ALK in this cell line.
Two hypotheses could be proposed to explain the absence of ALK activation in SH SYY cells treated using the Pleiotrophins. Either Pleiotrophin. is indeed not a cognate Lenalidomide ligand of this receptor Afatinib or possibly a cofactor or possibly a co receptor required for its activity was absent in these cells but possibly present in the Glioblastoma cells and especially in UMG cells i.e. the cell line in which Pleiotrophin. has been reported to activate ALK .We therefore selected stable clones of this latter cell line stably transfected with ALK. Many clones had been obtained some of them exhibiting a high expression but clone was selected given that the level of expression in the receptor was similar to that in the SH SYY cells . We therefore investigated in this clone the phosphorylation in the MAP kinases ERK resulting from ALK activation triggered by the Pleiotrophin.
and Pleiotrophin. or stimulated as control using the agonist mAb or serum. The level of ERK activation obtained with Lenalidomide mAb and FCS was similar indicating that the level of expression in the receptor was indeed vital to achieve a maximal activation of this pathway. Once more, Pleiotrophin. failed to activate the ERK pathway in this cell line . Equivalent results had been obtained with Pleiotrophin To further prove that ERK activation in UMG stable clone cells indeed resulted from ALK activation triggered by the agonist mAb , we took advantage in the availability of antagonist monoclonal antibodies for instance mAb . We previously showed that mAb reduced the basal differentiation in the Pc cells transfected with ALK and both the degree of basal phosphorylation of ALK as well as the basal activation of ERK in HEK cells stably transfected with this receptor.
Additionally this mAb clearly inhibited the phosphorylation in the receptor as well as the activation in the ERK kinases induced by the agonist mAbs. Therefore, mAb likely dimerized and blocked two receptor molecules inside a conformational Lenalidomide state in which no trans activation in the tyrosine kinase domain can happen. UMG stable clone cells had been preincubated or not with escalating concentrations of antagonist mAb prior to the addition in the agonist mAb or fetal calf serum. ERK activation was analyzed soon after Western blotting. MAb fully antagonized the agonist activity of mAb but did not inhibit the ERK activation triggered by the serum hence demonstrating that ERK activation triggered by the agonist mAb indeed resulted from ALK activation whereas ERK activation triggered by the serum resulted from completely various mechanisms . Also note that upon activation either using the agonist mAb or using the serum and as previously s
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