ARP1 Cdomain, dispensablefor DNA binding, but critical for couplingdamageinduced modifications within the DBD toalterations in PARP1 catalytic activity.The B domain consists of a nuclear localizationPARP1 Decitabine and PARP2: The two DNAdamage dependentPARP enzymesThe dramatic PAR formation stimulated by DNAdamagehas been associated with PARP1 andPARP2 enzymatic activity, with PARP1 beingthe most active protein, responsible for about90of cellular PAR formation observed underthese conditions. In fact, PARP2 was discoveredas a result on the presence of residualDNAdependent PARP activity in PARP1deficientmouse embryonic fibroblasts.The human PARP1proteinis a highly conserved nuclear protein organizedinto six domains, encoded by a gene located atposition 1q4142, which consists of 23 exonsspanning43 kb.
The aminoterminalDNA binding domaincontainstwo zinc fingers that define a DNAbreaksensingmotif. A third zinc finger motif hasbeen identified Decitabine within the PARP1 Cdomain, dispensablefor DNA binding, but critical for couplingdamageinduced modifications within the DBD toalterations in PARP1 catalytic activity.The B domain consists of a nuclear localizationPARP1, PARP2 and baseexcision repairIn baseexcision repair, a damaged baseis frequently recognized by a DNA glycosylase enzymethat mediates base removal, creatingapurinicapyrimidinicsite. The repair of APsites is initiated through strand incision by theAP endonuclease 1and polymerase andligase proteins complete the repair. Theinvolvement of PARP1 and PARP2 in BER haslong been recognized.
PARP1 and PARP2were shown to accumulate with diverse Doxorubicin kineticsat laser induced DNA damaged sites: whilePARP1 accumulated rapidly and transiently, PARP2 showed a delayed and persistent accumulationat repair sites. PARP2 accumulationrelies on the activity of PARP1. Likewise, PARP1 and PARP2 interact with Xray repair crosscomplementingI, a crucial scaffoldprotein that interacts with and stimulates mostof the SSBRBER factors. Interestingly, the recruitmentat damaged sites of XRCC1 wasshown to be dependent on PARP1 activity, but not on PARP2. Taken together,these observations are in favour for an implicationof PARP2 at later actions on the repair process.This is strengthened by the fact that, asmentioned above, unlike PARP1 which binds toSSB, PARP2 has higher affinity for gaps orflaps, structures that correspond to a lot more advancedrepair intermediates.
Thus, PARP1 andPARP2 have important but distinct roles within the spatialand temporal organization of SSBRBER processes.In addition, both PARP PARPs interact also withthe other SSBRBER factors DNA polymeraseand DNA ligase III. Recently, Khodyreva etal. have demonstrated a new function Doxorubicin for PARP1 inthe regulation on the BER process through itsinteraction at the AP web-site. PARP1 interaction atthe AP web-site could defend the web-site until APE1 becomesavailable to initiate strands incision andBER.PARP1, PARP2, nucleotide excision repair andmismatch repairOthers DNA strand breaks repair pathways includethe nucleotide excision repairpathwayand the mismatch repairpathway. The NER pathway, which recognizes helixdistortingbase lesions, is a multistep processthat serves to repair various DNA damage,such as DNA lesions caused by ultravioletradiation, mutagenic chemicals, or chemotherapeuticdrugs.
UVinduced activation Decitabine ofPARP1 has been reported and some evidenceindicated a function of PARP1 within the lesion recognitionsteps on the NER pathway, despite the fact that themechanistic information of this function remain elusive. On the other hand, it truly is interesting to point outthat even though Parp1mice show increased susceptibilityto carcinogenesis induced by alkylatingagents, there is no such susceptibilityregarding carcinogenesis induced by a heterocyclicamine, IQand 4nitroquinoline 1oxide,both of which give rise to bulky DNA adducts. Alkylation damage to DNA bases maybe repaired mainly by BER, even though bulky DNA adductsmay be targeted by NER, suggesting inthose experimental models a minor function of PARP1 in NER.
The MMR pathway plays an important function inrepairing basebase mismatches and insertiondeletion loops which might be formed in the course of DNA replication. MMR has critical roles Doxorubicin in boththe predisposition to cancer and also the responseto therapy. On the other hand, the function of PARP1and PARP2, if any, in this pathway remainlargely unknown.PARP1, PARP2 and DNA doublestrand breaksrepairAtaxia telangiectasia mutatedis an earlysignaling protein kinase that initiates the transductioncascade at DNA doublestrand breakssites. The early embryonic lethality ofParp1Atmand Parp2Atmmiceis likely the consequence ofthe inefficient SSBRBER of spontaneous lesionsarising in highly proliferative embryoniccells because of the absence of PARP1 or PARP2,top to the conversion of unrepaired SSB toDSB in the course of replication. The absence of ATMthen compromises the efficient processing ofthese DSB by repair processes. On the other hand, evidenceis accumulating that PARP1 and PARP2are playing a direct and critical function in theDSB repair pathways.DSB repair could be mediated by two major repairpathways based on the context of the
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