Monday, March 18, 2013

Insider Industry Secrets For (-)-MK 801 Maleate A 205804 Revealed

Tmax appeared to become unaffected. None with the observed PK interactions was viewed as clinically signicant.

A 205804 Thirty one of the 34 AEs were mild in intensity and the remaining three were moderate. The three moderate events all occurred in one patient who had a history of migraine. There were two haematological AEs, of anaemia, both in the CP 690,550 plus MTX treatment group and mild in severity. One patient had haemoglobin levels of 11. 8 mg on day 0 and 11. 7 mg after dosing on day 11, and haematocrit levels of 36. 9% on day 0 and 29. 8% on day 11, the second patient had haemoglobin levels of 13. 1 mg on day 0 and 10. 7 mg at follow up, and haematocrit levels of 40. 7% on day 0 and 33. 2% at follow up. Four events reported by two patients in the CP 690,550 treatment group were considered treatment related by the study investigator.

These were all mild in intensity and resolved rapidly. There were no serious AEs or permanent discontinuations PARP during the study. Two patients were temporarily discontinued from administration of CP 690,550 due to AEs not related to the study drug. Both temporary discontinuations missed one dose, one patient experienced mild leg pain and the other patient experienced a mild vasovagal episode during a blood draw. These events resolved prior to the next dose so that the patients were able to continue dosing as scheduled. There were no clinically signicant laboratory test results and no clinically signicant mean changes from baseline for any vital sign parameter or ECG parameter. The use of MTX as monotherapy for the treatment of RA may not fully control disease activity.

One possible mechanism behind these small changes in MTX PK involves transporters. It has been demonstrated in rats that breast cancer resistance protein and multidrug resistance (-)-MK 801 Maleate associated proteins are involved in the regional difference in absorption of MTX along the intestine, which depends on their expression sites. MTX excretion has also been shown to be dependent on organic anionic transporter. Inhibition of one or more of these transporters in the intestine or kidney may result in changes in MTX PK, including effects in one location countered by effects in another, thus resulting in increased CL/F and t1/2 but reduced CLR in the presence of an interacting agent. The clearance mechanisms of CP 690,550 appear to be 70% nonrenal and 30% renal.

The potential for CP 690,550 to interact with these transporters is unknown, however, A 205804 given the magnitude of the observed changes, these effects do not carry any clinical relevance for MTX PK. Based on the PK results in this study, no dose adjustment is required when co administering CP 690,550 and MTX. 

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